Municipal System in India
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Municipal Government forms the urban democratic grass-root in India. Creation of municipality in an area by the State Government is not all that is required for the system. Citizens, who form bulk of the system must have involvement in it for its success.
The treatise deals at length the awareness, interest, evaluation and participation of citizens in municipal affairs. It provides a close look at the system from citizens angle.
The chapters of this book are: Introduction, Local Self Government: Concepts of Citizens Self Administration; Municipal Government in India and Odisha; Bhubaneswar Municipality at work; Study of Municipal Awareness, Interest, Participation of Citizens of Bhubaneswar and their Evaluation of Municipal Performance; Citizens Response on First Municipal Election based on Political Party in Odisha (1992) A Study in Bhubaneswar Municipal Area; Women Representation in Municipal Council of Odisha A Legislative Break-through; Functional Limits of Municipal Authorities in Face of Other Specialised Development Agencies A Study in Bhubaneswar; Problems of Municipal Administration in India; A Selected Bibliography.