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India’s independence has greatly influenced its local governance in bringing to focus the Panchayati Raj structure in its abundant rural sector over the inherited model of colonial municipal institutions. The four decades of hatching have given birth to a consolidated autonomous representative organ with urban-rural symmetry. The pace of evolution is ever active and the new age of globalization has ushered great impact on its spectrum of activity in different directions.
This report contains proceedings, list of works, Ground Realities affecting the Implementation of the Act, Confusions regarding the Act and Steps taken by the Government, NREGA in Odisha, Suggestions.
As the largest democracy in the globe, Indian democracy decentralizes its avenues to the remotest corners of the villages and towns in providing ground for participation and representation. Once upon a time, a weak link in Indian system, the Local Governance has a broad horizon as a system in transition that has room for further evolution to match its prevalent ground conditions. Attention is drawn in the system for adequate quality control monitoring and capacity building mechanisms in addition to further reforms. Constant analysis and appraisal of its functioning is the need for modernizing its contents. Local Government in India runs a rapid pace of evolution in its democratic format with inherent political self-correcting devices by legislation or convention.
Past evidences had exposed failure in India to address poverty, to the dominant reliance on State and the insufficient development of market incentives. …In fact, Amartya Sen has observed the failures in the development of educational facilities, health care provisions, and environmental protection due to overactive government alone….Therefore, the basic issue is not that of over governance or under governance but that of quality governance in the age of globalization facing massive challenges in technology and finances.
The treatise has 32 issues dealt by contributors from around the country.